Monday, 27 June 2016

Burton Green Village Choir

Burton Green Village Choir performed at the Made in Burton Green event at the Village Hall on Sunday 26th June. The choir director is Seb Farrell.

For the benefit of anyone who has not seen the village choir performing, you can watch their performance here.

If you play the videos on a laptop using the laptop's built-in speakers then the sound reproduction will be poor . The videos will sound much better if you can play them through a connected TV with independent speakers, or listen using stereo headphones plugged into a laptop.

The video just below is a YouTube playlist, which runs through the five songs performed. Alternatively, you can watch the playlist on YouTube here.


  1. Question - does this choir still exist?

    1. Yes, they normally meet at 5.30 every Monday in the Village Hall. I don't know if they've resumed after the Christmas break. I believe their leader may have gone away for Christmas.
