Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Responses to Westwood Heath Housing Proposal

The following letter was sent to Councillor Skinner (Coventry) by Warwick District Council. It stresses the that any responses by residents, to the proposed plan, need to be made formally to Warwick District Council.

Dear Councillor Skinner

Thank you for encouraging (a resident) to make representations through one of the formal channels.  Please could you encourage any residents who contact you to do likewise to make sure they are submitted in a way that enables the Inspector to take them in account. Whilst I have noted the contents of the informal email exchanges we have been copied in to, I’m afraid we are unable to take these in to account.

All the information regarding the consultation, including the process for making representations can be found here: www.warwickdc.gov.uk/newlocalplan

Best wishes

Dave Barber
Planning Policy Manager


How to Respond

As explained in the link given above, responses can be made on-line here:

Or by E-mail, using this response form and send to newlocalplan@warwickdc.gov.uk .

Or by post. Print a copy of the response form above and send to the District Council's offices

Monday, 14 March 2016

HS2 Poll in The Daily Telegraph

There is a news item in the Sunday/Daily Telegraph about an increase in engineering costs for HS2.

The article on the Telegraph website is accompanied by a poll, asking whether readers think that the country needs HS2. These are the results (after 17,197 votes):

The original article is here:
HS2 at risk of derailing at top speeds

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Minutes of Residents’ Association Committee Meeting March 8th 2016

Present: Hilary Cox;  Andy Gibbs; Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom;  Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

In attendance: Cllr. Archie Taylor and Betty Woodward.

Rona welcomed everyone.

1. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Trish Hancock, Diane Swindells  and Cllr Caryll Green.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Report problems with footpaths in Red LaneRona
Report road surface problems in Cromwell LaneRona
Request for more volunteers for SpeedwatchTerry
Further details regarding the souvenir book and numbers requiredMary
Retain format of AGM as an agenda itemJudi 

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting of January 19th 2016 were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes
  • Progress was made with the potholes the day after Rona rang.
  • Use of cameras by Speedwatch had been deferred.
  • Thank you gifts for provision of and erection of the Christmas tree had been provided as agreed.
  • More Christmas tree lights would be purchased by Mary later in the year.
  • The posts for the sign at the top of Red Lane had been located. 
  • Mary asked that flower tubs now be removed from the agenda.
  • April 8th was the date for the next First Responder course and this had been advertised in the Bugle.
  • Cllr Taylor reported that constructive discussions had been held with the Broadwells Wood management and there were plans to reinstate the hedge in the future. 
  • Cllr Whitehouse was in discussions with Sustrans regarding the gateway onto the Greenway.

All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.

2. Treasurer's Report

A report was circulated. Terry explained that this had been another quiet period although we had been pleased to receive a number of donations towards the Queen’s Birthday event. For this purpose Terry had created a new ring-fenced fund. A total of £650 had been received with a total of £1025 anticipated.

Mary, Hilary and Terry were thanked for sending out appeal letters.
 £42 profit had resulted from the recent Retired of Burton Green lunch.

A request for £200 funding had been received from the Open Studios Made in Burton Green group. The treasurer reminded the committee that all funds have to be raised and urged caution when agreeing to large donations.  However, it was agreed that this grant would be made on condition that receipts were returned for auditing purposes.

 Thanks were given to Terry.

3. Residents' views/concerns
  • A comment had been made about the speed with which Tom White skip lorries had been moving through the village recently but no-one knew where they were working from.
  • There was a continued problem with the footpath on Red Lane (from the end of the semi-detached housing and up the hill) which was too narrow for buggies etc. Its surface very uneven and the ditch needed draining. Also the grass verge had encroached onto the pavement all the way down Red Lane. Action: Rona.
  • A resident had complained about the road surface in Cromwell Lane between Red Lane and Hodgetts Lane. The surface was breaking up and creating problems for cyclists in particular. The surfacing had been relaid only a few months prior. Action: Rona

4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues
  • Speedwatch - Terry said the camera issue had not been pursued because of a separate problem. A local resident had been reported by Speedwatch on several occasions and had complained to Mary Webb about his treatment.  The matter had been passed on to the police who had visited the resident.
  •  It had now emerged that three qualified Speedwatch people, rather than two, were required at any one time. This posed a problem for the team because of lack of availability of several of the members.  Faith agreed to stand in when required if she was available.  However, a longer term solution needed to be sought and it was agreed to try to recruit more volunteers, especially by personal invitation. Other opportunities could be taken including at the annual parish meeting and the forthcoming Greenway Trust meeting Action: Terry
  • Jubilee Group Community Fun Day Sunday June 12th 2016: Mary said flyers had gone out to children at school and at local nurseries. A low entry fee had been agreed because of generous sponsorship received.  So far the following organisations and businesses had provided sponsorship: Hickory Smokehouse; Broadwell Woods; Burrow Hill Nurseries; Warwick University; Hedgerow Nursery; Parish Council; Hills and Co; Sarginsons; Garforths Scaffolding.
A number of attractions had been booked including morris dancers, the Coventry Festival Band, Punch and Judy and various stalls and games. Thanks were given to the Jubilee Group.

The head teacher at Burton Green school, where the event was to be held, had been very Burton Green Congregation had offered to fund a souvenir book to mark the queen's 90th birthday and discussions were taking place regarding numbers required. This gesture was well received. Action: Mary
  • Clean up for the queen initiative would take place on April 10th
  • Pavement parkers – this problem seemed to have lessened though it remained a difficulty in Hodgett's Lane. Residents had been advised to take photos of offending vehicles and report to police. Money has been committed to police time to follow this up.

5. AGM

It had previously been agreed to hold a discussion regarding how to encourage more contribution from residents at the AGM.

 It was suggested that the proceedings probably needed to be less formal following the official matters such as election of officers. The main concern was the length of time taken by councillors to present their reports.  It was agreed councillors should be asked to submit written reports. Other ideas were mooted such as having presenters situated at tables around the room so they could be approached with specific questions. It was also suggested residents could submit questions in advance, though questions at the meeting would still be welcome.

It was agreed to see how the annual parish meeting operated as the parish council too could be proposing a new format.

Further discussion would take place at future meetings and so this should be retained as an agenda point. Acion: Judi

6. Village Hall

No one was available.

7. HS2 Opposition Group

Andy said an information meeting was to be held by WCC in readiness for petitions to the House of Lords. n AGHAST meeting was scheduled for the following Sunday.A question was asked whether the outcome of the referendum on Europe was likely to impact on HS2 but Andy thought not.

8. Parish Councillor's Report

Cllr Taylor said the question of housing was paramount. The Coventry Local Plan proposed to build 240 houses adjoining the station. There were issues of increased traffic and Cllr Taylor feared for the Meriden Gap as building was now proposed right up to Coventry’s border. Berkswell had offered reassurance that the Meriden Gap was safeguarded. With regard to the housing adjoining the station, there would be difficulty for traffic turning right into Cromwell Lane. A formal response had been provided by PC to Coventry.

Also WDC had presented an amended plan including Burrow Hill nursery site and Westwood Heath development of 425 houses initially and 500 further down towards St John’s church. A PC response had also been sent to WDC.

Another site existed in the university ward. Planners had met and a plot of land next to the university had been suggested for 500 houses. Traffic problems would again be an issue and Cllr Taylor said a better road network was needed to help alleviate the problems inherent in all of the proposed developments.

Cllr Taylor felt that residents should be prepared to welcome any new occupiers of proposed developments into the Burton Green community.

Potentially, there could be an infrastructure levy conflict of interests between Coventry and Warwickshire. A community donation from the builders could greatly benefit Burton Green School, for example.

There was no significant development planned in the core of Burton Green.

 A consultation would open on March 11th for 6 weels. Cllr Taylor reminded everyone that the Inspector did not have to find the best site as long as a site was legal and sound.

With reference to HS2, Cllr Taylor was proposing finding out about sound maps and computer modelling.

9.  Any Other Business

  • Could a sign for a Broadwells Wood Open Day which had passed be removed?
  • Attendees at the Retired of Burton Green lunch had asked for rose wine.
  • The new IT group was underway with several volunteers and attendees. Thanks were extended to the organisers and all those who were assisting with this worthwhile venture.
  • Thanks were given to Chris Langton for providing biscuits for the committee meeting.
  • Rona reported a newspaper article about tackling cold callers but it was agreed this was not currently a problem in Burton Green.

10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

The next committee meeting would take place on May 3rd at 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall.

Future dates in 2016 would be:
July 12th,
September 13th,
October 31st (AGM),
November 15th.

Thanks were expressed to all for attending.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Bugle - March 2016

The March 2016 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page,

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.