Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Forthcoming Village Hall Events

BGVH Pop up cafĂ© 

Friday Feb. 12th  
serving from 6.30-8.30pm

Matar Keema ( minced lamb with peas ) + Rice
Aloo Baingan Matar  ( potato with peas and aubergines ) + Rice 
Chicken in Red Wine + Rice
A pop up Vegetarian Special + Rice 
all  home made, fresh, gluten, dairy and nut free ingredients
To eat in at B.G.  Village   Hall £8  p.p.

Please  bring your own drink and glasses [ no corkage! ]

To take away   £7 p.p.   no deliveries, collection only  

Please  come along... but it would help us  if call us to give us an indication of the numbers by Mon. 8th   

contact  Deirdre 02476 464188 or

Monies raised will be ring fenced for a new high capacity oven at the proposed new VH

27th Feb     7.30 pm        

 Fish & Chip  and light desert £12.50@ [8 max. in a team] 
we can put you with a team too

 bring your own drink and glasses  
bookings to  
Jill  76462070, Di 7646 6558 or Deirdre 7646 4188

Made in Burton Green  

2nd planning meeting 
16th February 8pm anyone welcome, 
Thea’s house 293 Cromwell Lane by signpost 
full details attached and in previous bugle. contact



Burton Green Village Choir 3rd Birthday at VH

please join us to celebrate at our early summer concert
with puddings,deserts and  a complementary pimms
under the direction of Seb Farrall

Friday May 20th at 7.30 pm £10 [students £5 & small ones free]

Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Westwood Club

This message is from Chris Langton.

As you know The Peeping Tom is closed for a major refurbishment for the next 3 – 4 months.

The vast majority of regular users have migrated to the Westwood (formerly the Westwood Club and Reading Rooms) on Westwood Heath Road where you can catch up with them, especially on a Friday evening.

The Thursday quiz has also transferred there starting each week at 9.00 pm.

Opening times are from 6 pm Mon – Thurs, from 5 pm on Friday, and 12 noon on Saturday and Sunday.
Membership is not necessary if you are only an occasional user (e.g. attenders of the quiz). For more regular users membership is just £12 per annum (or £6 if over 65).

Although there is no kitchen for hot food substantial fresh baps (home cooked chicken, ham etc) are available most days.

They have Sky Sports with multi screens for ‘competing’ events and a projector screen for big sporting occasions (e.g. the upcoming Rugby 6 Nations).

More details:

or follow them on Facebook.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Minutes of Residents' Association Committe Meeting January 19th 2016

Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting January 19th 2016

Hilary Cox;  Andy Gibbs; Terry Heyes; Trish Hancock; Janet Hickinbottom;  Bron Putnam; Diane Swindells; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

Rona welcomed everyone.

1. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Judi Hibberd and Caryll Green

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Report holes in road in Red LaneRona
Consult police regarding using a camera during SpeedwatchTerry
Thanks and bottles of wine regarding Christmas treeRona and Mary
More lights to be purchased for the Christmas treeMary
July agenda item to include shortening time slots at AGMJudi 
Check with school if removed posts at top of Red LaneFaith 
March 8th add agenda point about flower tubs Judi
Finalise date for first responder course with AliceRona
Check with PC about reinstatement of hedge at Broadwells siteRona
Check with PC about gateway from Broadwells onto GreenwayRona

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • It was decided no further action would be taken on the electronic calendar. 
  • Vegetation had been cut back on the bank on Red Lane. Another department was involved in assessing and surveying the bank and work was scheduled for 2016/17. Assessed and surveyed and repairs on schedule 16 to 17. This would take the form of a small retaining brick wall or wooden slats. A collapsed drain in Hodgetts Lane was also to be addressed while cutting away the roots of a fir tree and putting in a new pipe. This followed notification from the Parish Council. 
  • A large hole in the road on Red Lane outside the Orchard was reported and a further one lower down Red Lane. Rona would report these the next day. Action: Rona 
  • 30mph signs had now been erected on the Red Lane bends.  These were advisory signs as the road speed limit at that point remained as 40mph. To avoid confusion40mph markings on the road at the bends were to be removed. 
  • Terry was still to speak to the police regarding the legality of recording by camera during Speedwatch operations. Action: Terry
  • Work was to begin on alterations to the Peeping Tom on February 1st and a period of 12 weeks had been estimated as the time before the Hickory Smokehouse premises would be completed. 
  • Darren, Barry and Nigel were thanked for their various tasks involving the erection and dismantling of the Christmas tree.  The Barnes family were also thanked for donating the tree. It was agreed to give bottles of wine as a token of thanks. Next year Terry and Nigel would sort out appropriate disposal of the tree. Action: Rona and Mary
  •  It was agreed to purchase further lights for the tree in 2016. Action: Mary   
  • Nearer the time of the AGM it would be decided how to shorten some of the speaking slots. This would be added to the agenda for the July 12th meeting. Action: Judi 
  • AGM date had been changed to Oct 31st 2016.  All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.
  • 30mph signs had now been erected on the Red Lane bends.  These were advisory signs as the road speed limit at that point remained as 40mph. To avoid confusion40mph markings on the road at the bends were to be removed.   Terry was still to speak to the police regarding the legality of recording by camera during Speedwatch operations. Action: Terry  
  • Work was to begin on alterations to the Peeping Tom on February 1st and a period of 12 weeks had been estimated as the time before the Hickory Smokehouse premises would be completed. 
  • Darren, Barry and Nigel were thanked for their various tasks involving the erection and dismantling of the Christmas tree.  The Barnes family were also thanked for donating the tree. It was agreed to give bottles of wine as a token of thanks. Next year Terry and Nigel would sort out appropriate disposal of the tree. Action: Rona and Mary 
  • It was agreed to purchase further lights for the tree in 2016. Action: Mary   
  • Nearer the time of the AGM it would be decided how to shorten some of the speaking slots. This would be added to the agenda for the July 12th meeting. Action: Judi 
  • AGM date had been changed to Oct 31st 2016.  
All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.

2. Treasurer's Report

A report was circulated . Terry said it had been a quiet time financially. He highlighted a few items:

  • Received £300 support from Parish Council towards Bugle costs 
  • Bill for £170 for December Bugle.  
  • Speed gun had been calibrated. The cost of this is split evenly between the Parish Council and the Forum, each paying £119.40.  
  • Advice had been received that a donation originating from the Mine Opposition Group did not need to be ring fenced  

Thanks were given to Terry

3. Residents' views/concerns

  There was nothing to report.

4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues

  • Peeping Tom. A letter had been received from Star pubs and bars in response to earlier complaints about the Peeping Tom site. Work was now about to start as reported in Matters Arising. 
  • Electronic calendar – covered in Matters Arising
  • Speedwatch - Calibration of the speed gun ran out mid December 2015 and it had been recalibrated on January 7th. Speed watch would be up and running again soon following the holiday period.  
  • Broadband update - Adrian Hickinbottom and Deirdre Vernon had attained a grant for the full cost of putting in a phone line to the village hall and this had now been completed. Broadband connection was due to go live at the end January. Adrian and Deirdre were then planning to start an internet hub to which villagers would be invited if they wished to learn how to use computers and tablets with greater confidence. Thanks were expressed to Adrian and Deirdre.  
  • Retired of Burton Green lunch – the next one would take place on March 4th with a theme of Spring. £500 of profit had been made from the lunches over the last two years but most of this had been ploughed back into the purchase of equipment etc. Particular thanks were given to Mary and Diane
  •  Red Lane verge/bank improvements – covered under Matters Arising  
  • Jubilee Group event 2016. Mary said the committee had been unable to secure the fairground items originally planned and so they were reconsidering the nature of the event.  Morris dancers. Group to put together ideas such as Morris men, band etc. The event would still take place on Sunday 12th June from 2 till 6 at the school. Thanks were expressed to the group for working on this.

5. Village hall

Slow progress was being made with HS2. The trustees needed to supply a justification for a larger hall. Current preoccupations were the heating and whether to install "green" technologies which required greater investment at the start. Also main sewers were not available at the designated site.  The architects' plans were being adapted following consultation.  Cheryl had been to petition the previous day but was engaged in a "corridor chat" instead. The issue of the sewerage being considered further.  Access to the proposed site would not be available until HS2 implemented compulsory purchase

The trustees were meeting twice a month which was a considerable time commitment. Future Village Hall events would be:

  • Pop up curry cafe February 12th 6:30 to 8:30. Eat in or take away. 
  • Quiz Night Feb 27th with fish and chips. Teams of 6.  

6. HS2 Opposition Group

 Andy said there was not much news. Jeremy Wright had asked for a longer tunnel and did a good job of representing the village at the recent petitioning and the outcome was awaited.

The presentation to the House of Lords was due in 2016 but Andy doubted HS2 would be signed off this year

7. Parish Councillor's Report

 Archie Taylor, chairman of the Parish Council, had submitted a report which Cllr Andy Gibbs presented.

  • There had been two accidents in Bockendon Road and John Whitehouse was proposing changing this to a primary route as it was used by so much traffic. 
  • A grit bin had been requested in Hob Lane.  Discussions had to take place with Solihull MBC. 
  • Petitions had been presented on the previous day to the Select Committee.  These had been by Jeremy Wright on behalf of the Village Hall, Alan Cox from Crackley, and Martin Rothwell from Two Oaks in Red Lane. The extension of the cut and cover tunnel had been covered alongside compensation issues. 
  • After three and a half years, a new Parish Council noticeboard had been erected in Cromwell Lane.
  • Housing was the biggest issue being tackled by the Parish Council currently.  The Coventry Local Plan proposal showed significant house building on the west side of Cromwell Lane in the vicinity of Tile Hill station. There was a viewpoint that the more houses Coventry was allowed to build on its perimeter, the fewer might be demanded from Burton Green. 
  • The publication of the Warwick District Local Plan had been delayed again and might be available mid-February. It would form an amendment to the previous plan. Consultation would take place with the government inspector. The Plan would look at a number of options in Burton Green with a preferred site. It was likely the Parish Council would be reviewing the Neighbourhood Plan but this would not be completed in the near future. The Chairman of the Parish Council was not optimistic regarding the number of houses required or their siting.
  • The Precept would be announced at the next meeting. It would be less than in 2015/16 because in that period £10,000 had been set aside for HS2 issues. The reduction would probably not be noticed as the County Council rates were increasing by 2%.   The precept needed to include various grants; updating of the website; maintenance and upkeep of the Red Lane playground; and training.   

A question was asked whether the hedge was being reinstated on the Broadwells site. Rona would pass this query on to the Parish Council.  Action Rona

There was still uncertainty if the park homes counted towards new housing totals. It was believed nine were already occupied.   There was a query about a gate way having been created from the Broadwells site onto the Greenway. Rona would enquire.                   Action: Rona

8. Change of date for AGM

The date of the 2016 AGM had been changed from October 3rd to October 31st 2016. As a result, the November committee meeting would be held on November 15th (and not November 1st).

9.  Any Other Business

 Bron asked about the posts erected at top of Red Lane which supported posters.  They seemed to have been removed.  It was suggested the school might have taken them out when they took down their Christmas Fayre poster. Faith would ask.                   Action: Faith

Mary asked if the next agenda could have a point about funding for the flower tubs.  Action: Judi

A comment had been made that only Hodgetts Lane and part of Cromwell Lane were covered by the Balsall Common Lions Father Christmas charity collection. Peter Stanworth had expressed willingness to use his tuk (Indian rickshaw) for the same purpose.  Alice Hawkins had been asked about another first aid course. She and her colleagues were considering a date in April. Rona would follow this up.                   Action: Rona

10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

 The next committee meeting would take place on March 8th at the Village Hall.   Future dates in 2016 would be:  March 8th  May 3rd July 12th September 13th October 31st (AGM) November 15th.

Thanks were expressed to all for attending

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Burns Night Bash

This is a community event, but no children.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Coventry Local Plan - Cromwell Lane

Coventry City Council look set to approve a draft expansion plan for Coventry, at a meeting on 12th January.

The plan identifies where new homes could be built in and around Coventry over the next two decades on brownfield sites, green belt sites in the city, and other sites over the city’s boundaries in Warwickshire.

The main areas are in Eastern Green, Keresley, Longford, Walsgrave Hill Farm, Whitley, Cromwell Lane and Browns Lane.

A report in the Coventry Telegraph is here:
Swathes of green belt to be lost under new 25,000 homes plan

Additional reaction, in the Coventry Telegraph, is here:
'There will be no countryside left one day'

A general description of the plan, is here:

A series of additional more detailed documents can be found here:

Those documents include this detailed map which shows proposed development on the West side of Cromwell Lane, around Westwood Heath Farm:

This is from a previous map on the Coventry City website...

This is the overall plan:

Previous Post from September 2014

Proposed New Housing Estate Off Cromwell Lane