Monday, 27 May 2013

Mobile Library Service Review

The Mobile Library, provided by Warwickshire County Council, calls at Burton Green village hall, on a Tuesday (3.15pm), every 3 weeks.

The Mobile Library Service is being reviewed this summer.
"The service currently consists of five vehicles stopping at over 400 locations around Warwickshire, serving around 3,650 customers, every three weeks.

Over half of the stops are used by less than four customers. This is clearly an inefficient use of the vehicle and staff. For over half the stops on the service, the vehicles are barely receiving any visits during the time they attend.

Where this is happening, we are proposing to remove these stops. This does not mean that an area will not be visited by the mobile service; it means that we will combine stops, where possible, using those that more customers (four or more per visit) attend. This will enable us to operate a more efficient service with three vehicles, rather than five.

For many of our customers, there will not be much change. The stop will stay the same although the time and day on which it calls may alter. For others it might mean that the location in their area changes as stops are combined."
There are more details about the review in the link just below. The link also includes more details about consultation and a feedback form for comments:

The review will run from 20 May to 31 July. All comments will be collated and added to a final report to Warwickshire County Council’s cabinet to be presented in the Autumn of 2013. The new timetables will take effect from January 2014.

Community Safety Ambassadors

Could You Be a Community Safety Ambassador?

As part of his community engagement strategy the Police & Crime Commissioner intends to recruit 30 Community Safety Ambassadors from across the County.  The local Community Safety Ambassadors will act as the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Commissioner and will ensure he is kept informed of local issues, concerns and developments.
The Community Safety Ambassadors will be required to attend and report upon their local community forum, keeping in touch with other local groups and inform the Commissioners’ office of issues of relevance for him.  They will also have a relationship with their local Safer Neighbourhood Team and ensure the Commissioner is briefed about concerns and, as importantly, successes.

If you wish to discuss the role of the Community Safety Ambassador, or any aspect of the recruitment process, please contact
John McPhail, Policy Officer at
Tel: 01926 412238
Completed applications will be welcomed, up to 12 noon on Monday 3 June, to the Warwickshire Office for Police and Crime
3 Northgate Street
CV34 4SP

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Jame Hands Art Exhibition

There will be an exhibition of art by James Hands at the Berkswell Church Crypt, from Friday 31st-6th June 10am-5pm.  And a drinks reception, "Fizz in the Crypt", on Friday, 31st 6-9pm, £5.

James exhibited at the Open Studios event last July and at the Spring Art Show at Burton Green Village Hall.

For more details contact James Hands

Monday, 6 May 2013

Bugle April 2013

The April 2013 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.