Wednesday, 28 September 2011

New Photos from Rick Jowett

Rick Jowett has sent us some further photos taken in Burton Green, taken between 1939 and 1972.

This photo was taken in the front garden of Dawlish in 1939. The baby in the pram is Rick Jowett.

The second photo was taken in Kandahar in Afghanistan, in 1917. The photo includes Charles Samuel Jowett, Rick Jowett's father.
The third photo was taken in the back garden of Dawlish, in 1939. It shows Charles Samuel Jowett, and son Rick. In this picture Charles Jowett was 69 years old. He was resident from 1936 to his death 1956.

Note the flat water tank in the background. Miss Jackson lived in that house. Under the flat rain water tank was a pantry accessible from the kitchen. The bottom of the water tank was the pantry ceiling, thus in summer evaporative cooling kept the pantry cool.

There were no windows in our pantry and I remember water condensing on the ceiling so it did cool pretty well. We did not have a fridge but eggs, cheese, meat, fish seemed to keep well enough. I think the Cheese got moldy on one occasion. Big disaster we were on rations,it was eaten anyway, toasted under a fire grate in the living room.

There was a lady named Woodward who rode a motor bike and delivered fish during war time. Any connection with the Woodward in the history group?

In the back garden of Dawlish, in 1949, showing Rick Jowett's collection of toys of the time - his tent, swimming pool, and wheels.

This is the Peeping Tom, in 1972.

One of the fascinating things about this photo is the style of the cars in the Tom car park.

This is a gypsy caravan behind the Bayliss' home.

The photo was taken in 1972, but Rick Jowett says that this caravan was certainly there from 1955.

And this is a general view along Cromwell Lane, 1972, with some more quaint cars.

All of these photos, and the text, have also been added to Rick Jowett's original page of reminiscences which is here: Reminiscences of Burton Green by Rick Jowett.

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